
package.json is used for npm package definition.

See npm Documentation for more details.


The package.json is optional on the platform. It will be automatically created when released to a npm registry via the release feature.


If a package.json exists, it will automatically be enhanced with the following properties when released on npm via the release feature:

  • name (overridden)
  • version (overridden)
  • author (if not present)
  • type: "module" (if not present)
  • homepage (if not present)
  • files
  • dependencies


As described in chapters JavaScript and TypeScript, bare imports are automatically resolved on npm. In other words, there is no obligation to define dependencies in package.json.

If a dependency is not defined in package.json, the latest version of the dependency is used.

If a dependency is defined in package.json, then the specific version will be used.

{ "dependencies" :
    "foo" : "1.0.0",
    "bar" : "^2.0.0"

See npm documentation about dependencies for more details about version formats.


Aliases are supported through the alias field in package.json.


  "alias": {
      "react": "preact/compat",
      "react-dom": "preact/compat",

In this example react and react-dom imports will be resolve to preact/compat.

Template variables

Some variables can be injected into package.json when released to npm.

  "homepage": "{{ homepage }}",
  "description": "Package {{ name }}",

Variables available:

  • id : ID of the component on the platform
  • name : name of the component on the platform
  • author : GitHub account name (for individuals)
  • version : Version number to be released
  • homepage : URL link to the editor
  • year : Current year

Please open a feature request for new variables


  "name": "<auto-filled>",
  "version": "<auto-filled>",
  "description": "My description",
  "author": {
    "name" : "Barney Rubble",
    "email" : "",
    "url" : ""
  "license": "ISC",
  "type": "module",
  "dependencies": {