Design Systems with 11ty with Zach Leatherman

Coding Design Systems

Building components in a Design System ready to be used in the eleventy SSG.

This week, not that much coding, but a nice and insightful discussion with Zach Leatherman, creator and main maintainer of 11ty (eleventy), the modern static site generator. We talk about static generation, JavaScript ecosystem, Open Source communities, Plugins’ API and extensions, and the future of the webpages generation.

We also cover the design systems field in the context of using SSG (Static Site Generators) and building reusable components. Our best advice: always bet on Web Components!

About Zach

Zach is a builder for the web with Netlify. He created the Eleventy site generator and is still fixated on web fonts. His public speaking résumé includes talks in eight different countries at events like Jamstack Conf, Beyond Tellerrand, Smashing Conference, CSSConf, and The White House. He is an emeritus of Filament Group, NEJS CONF, and still helps out with NebraskaJS.
