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Origami card marked "Powered by" React Native Paper and React Native

Introducing Origami - a React Native design system

Origami is a React-Native Design System starter kit, using React Native Paper component library: an open source components library based on Material Design.

Origami features:

  • Open-source
  • Cross-platform: Mobile & Web
  • 25+ components
  • Interactive documentation
  • Light & Dark mode

▶️ Explore Origami now on

Design Tokens

Origami takes the design tokens defined in Paper.

  • Colors
  • Fonts
  • Roundness
  • Animation

And make them automatically documented and visually discoverable.

Screenshot of Origami tokens in

Paper has great semantical design tokens. It’s simple but very efficient. The Paper team has done a great job here.

Dark mode

Dark and Light themes are included out-of-the-box. You can experience it in the documentation itself.

Switching the color tokens from Light to Dark in


Origami comes with 25+ components to get started: menu, dialog, buttons, checkbox, cards, everything to cover the basics, and more.

Screenshot of all Origami components side-by-side


CSF Stories are available for every component so you can code your components in isolation and check all variantions.

Screenshot of Origami in with documentation previewed


Written in MDX, the documentation inlines React Native components directly. The documentation also includes interactive Playgrounds powered by @divriots/dockit-react library (Also made in Backlight).

Screenshot of Origami in with documentation previewed

▶️ Explore Origami now on

👩‍💻 Source code available on Backlight and GitHub

📦 npm package to try Origami unchanged.

Further reading

Check all other Backlight’s starter kits.